08 March 2008

The usual not so interesting first blog.

Sometimes I don't know why I attempt to blog. I've done this at least three times now, and never kept on. (I guess that's not that many, but still!) I'm pretty certain I don't have a whole lot to say that would be interesting to people outside my immediate circle of those-I-know, and probably less to many I know through the "internets". (<-- If you're wondering about that little period being outside of the quotation marks, well, that's my personal nose-thumbing at punctuation. I'm one of those "Grammar Nazis", but I really, really, REALLY hate it that you're supposed to put those inside the quotation marks. How does that period, or the comma I missed in the last sentence, have anything to do with what is in the middle of the quotation marks?? Unless I'm ending the sentence with the words of someone, it makes absolutely no sense to me to have it inside. So to all the potential Grammar Nazis out there... don't let it bother you; it's my own little pet peeve, and the only violation I will wholeheartedly persist in committing.) See what I mean about "nonsense" and "sarcasm"? Okay, perhaps the sarcasm isn't there, but it will be, I'm sure. I'm quite the erratic person, I tell ya. I can be anything from quiet and nervous to loud and obnoxious, and though I do try to not be the center of attention, sometimes I find myself doing things that will get me there, even though I really abhor being in that position. Contradictory? Yup. Just one more of those things about me.

Another, for instance, is that I'm a bit OCD, but I'm also pretty lazy. It's like... I can't be anal when it comes to cleaning because I know what will happen, and then I'll wear myself ragged, so I don't do it. OTOH, I think I've found a comfortable (for me) middle ground, and that makes me happy. During the days I'm infinitely more productive than I used to be, but I still have plenty of time to do nothing, so long as I try to upkeep what I've been doing. (Thank you FlyLady for that particular lesson, which I learned a couple of years ago.)

And that's it. I'm done with the first blog. I see that there are labels I can add, but... whatever would I put for that?? This makes me miss my first website, it really does. I see that I have a couple of broken links, and my counter is either not working, or my website is even more pathetic than I thought. (Probably the latter. It's been a long, long time since I've had that for people to view. It needs more work. But then again, I have a site that I actually pay for that's a bit more mellow, so as to allow my scrapbooking friends, as well as my extended family, to view.)

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